UW System Regents Vote to Maintain Tuition Freeze for 2022-23

Editor’s Note: The following was provided by the UW System.

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on June 10 approved a 2022-23 annual operating budget that continues a tuition freeze for in-state undergraduates as recommended by System President Jay Rothman.

Resident undergraduate tuition hasn’t changed since fiscal year 2013-14.

“Keeping our universities affordable and accessible is a priority, and thanks to the funding we received from Governor Evers, we are freezing tuition this coming academic year,” Rothman said. “Moving forward, it is critical we make the investments necessary to enhance the quality of education that makes the University of Wisconsin System attractive to students while maintaining affordability for Wisconsin families.”

Rothman also told regents that he has requested a review of affordability that would compare UW System costs to those of peer institutions and assess the financial impact of a public higher education in Wisconsin on family incomes.

“We appreciate the legislature’s recognition of the Board as the tuition-setting authority for the UW System,” said Regent President Edmund Manydeeds III. “The affordability review requested by President Rothman will provide us the data we need to make decisions going forward.”

Overall, the average cost of attending a UW System university for a typical residential undergraduate student living on a main four-year campus, including tuition, fees, and room and board, will rise 1.7 percent, or $273, for 2022-23. For branch campuses, the typical increase amounts to 0.1 percent, or $6.

The University of Wisconsin System serves approximately 165,000 students. Awarding nearly 37,000 degrees annually, the UW System is Wisconsin’s talent pipeline, putting graduates in position to increase their earning power, contribute to their communities, and make Wisconsin a better place to live. Nearly 90 percent of in-state UW System graduates stay in Wisconsin five years after earning a degree – with a median salary of more than $66,000. The UW System provides a 23:1 return on state investment. UW System universities also contribute to the richness of Wisconsin’s culture and economy with groundbreaking research, new companies and patents, and boundless creative intellectual energy.

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