Urban Forestry Commission Starin Park Arboretum Subcommittee Initial Meeting Sat., 8/29

Whitewater Urban Forestry Commission
Starin Park Arboretum Subcommittee


Initial Meeting Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 10 a.m. at Starin Park Lower Shelter
Call to Order by Chair Stanek:
Roll Call:
Goal of Subcommittee: To form a consortium made up of the City of Whitewater City
Forester, City Parks Director, Whitewater UFC, UW-W, Historic Starin Park
Neighborhood, Whitewater School District and corporate sponsors to create an
educational arboretum at Starin Park in Whitewater to encourage and inspire
community members and visitors to understand the importance of trees and to teach
stewardship of them in our environment.
Expected initial members are: Brian Neumeister, City Forester, Sherry Stanek, UFC
Chair, Nick Alt, UFC Member, Rose Mary Leaver, UFC Member, Bill Chandler, Retired
Teacher, Jim Nies, Retired Teacher and Morton Arboretum Educational Volunteer &
HSPN member and future members who would like to work toward this goal.
The plan is to use existing trees at Starin Park as well as native trees to be planted in
the future as funds allow using the consortium’s members fundraising. Jim Nies has
articulated a detailed proposal for this project and will be used as the template as we
Discussion and introduction: Jim Nies will lead this meeting to inform members of his
ideas and plans for action to make this proposed arboretum a reality as we outline the
steps to begin our mission.
Next steps:
Action Items:
Next meeting: TBD

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