UW-W’s Spring Diversity Forum 2022

Editor’s Note: The following information was received from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Join the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater in celebrating diversity by striving for equity and inclusivity. This Spring, the forum is focused on sustainability and environmental justice. Forum open to the public.

Schedule of Events

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Opening with Brian Stansbury & Awards Ceremony
2PM – 4:15PM (CST)
Location: University Center, the Hamilton Room and Virtual
Description: The 2022 Spring Diversity Forum will focus on themes of sustainability and more. Join us by welcoming the keynote speaker Brian Stansbury, King & Spalding attorney who specializes on environmental, health and safety cases. The award recipients of the Diversity and Inclusivity Awards will be announced afterwards.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Environmental Justice Solutions in the Milwaukee Area
3:30PM – 4:30PM (CST)
Location: Hyland Hall 2319 and Virtual
Description: Join panelists representing several organizations pursuing environmental justice initiatives in a wide variety of ways throughout the greater Milwaukee area.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Film Showing – Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives on Restoring Our World
3:30PM – 5PM (CST)
Location: University Center, Summers Auditorium
Description: The film “Inhabitants” is a feature documentary that follows five Native American Tribes across deserts, coastlines, forests, and prairies as they restore their traditional land management practices.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Dealing with Environmental Grief and Eco-Anxiety through Environmental Justice Action
5PM – 6:30PM (CST)
Location: Hyland Hall 1300 and Virtual
Description: Dr. Kriss Kevorkian, an internationally known expert in grief, death and dying, and a leading authority on environmental and ecological grief, will help attendees come to terms with facing an uncertain environmental future by offering empowering ways to take positive actions to help our local environment and communities.

The Beehive Design Collective

From February 28 to Friday, April 1, 2022
Andersen Library, UW-Whitewater Campus
Lenox Library, UW-Whitewater Rock County Campus
Description: The Beehive Design Collective is a volunteer arts collective that translates complex global stories, shared with them through conversations with affected communities, to beautiful imagery for use as educational and organizing tools. Four of their most impactful works and interpretive materials are featured in the Whitewater and Rock County campus libraries.

Names of the four pieces,

  • Mesoamerica Resiste
  • The True Cost of Coal
  • Plan Colombia
  • Free Trade Area of the Americas

If you have a disability and desire accommodations, please advise us as soon as possible. Requests are confidential. UW-Whitewater provides equal opportunities in employment and programming including Title IX and ADA requirements. Please contact the EDI Office at edi@uww.edu for further information.

UW-Whitewater Schedule of Events: https://www.uww.edu/division-of-equity-diversity-inclusion-and-support-programs/diversity-forum

UW-Whitewater Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/57Wx8YzpC

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