The City of Whitewater Fire Department (WFD) received a report of smoke in the area of Fremont Street and North Street on March 17 at 3:12 p.m. WFD Personnel arrived on scene two minutes from the time of dispatch and reported a working fire in a detached garage at 234 W. North Street. The press release indicates that the “aggressive offensive attack…limited the damage to the building of origin, preventing the fire from spreading to three nearby dwellings. The cause of the fire was found to be maintenance being conducted on one of the vehicles in the garage. A battery charger connected to a vehicle is suspected to have contributed to the initial vehicle fire. The fire spread to another vehicle in the garage, and the structural components of the garage itself.”
There were no injuries. The residents of the home were not there at the time. A vigilant neighbor placed the 911 call.
Per the press release, the Lauderdale-LaGrange Fire Department and the City of Whitewater Police Department assisted WFD.