Street Construction Projects Starting Thurs., 7/16: Wisconsin St., Starin Rd., Dog Park parking lot


Street Construction Projects

Construction work is anticipated to begin Thursday, July 16, 2020, on streets and parking lots in the City. Specifically, the streets include Wisconsin Street between Milwaukee Street and Coburn Lane, and Starin Road between Park Street and Fremont Street. Work includes pulverizing the existing asphalt pavement, grading and paving of new asphalt.

Parking lots being paved include the parking lot at the Dog Park and along Innovation Drive adjacent to Moraine View Park. During construction on the streets, the streets will be open to traffic, though they may be reduced to one lane at times. Work is scheduled to be completed by the end of July.

Questions should be directed to Brad Marquardt, Director of Public Works, at (262) 473-0139.

Thank you!

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