MADISON – August 12 — Gov. Evers announced today that the State of Wisconsin Building Commission approved a total of approximately $65 million in key projects across the state. “From public safety improvements and building renovations to celebrating Wisconsin’s brewing heritage at Old World Wisconsin, I am glad the Building Commission approved these critical projects today in order to invest in needed repairs and upgrades across state properties,” said Gov. Evers. Highlights of approvals include: |
- Release of Building Trust Funds – Planning for preliminary design of the UW-W Winther Hall addition and renovation project
- Construction of three DNR Fire Response Ranger Station replacement projects to aid in public safety at Cornell, Gresham, and Blakc River Falls
- Grant release for the State’s contribution to the new addition of the LaCrosse Center
- Construction of the Old Brewery and Biergarten as the Brewing Experience building at Old World Wisconsin
- Construction of exterior envelope repairs at Mary Ann Cofrin Hall/Wood Hall at UW-Green Bay
- Design of the UW-Oshkosh Clow Hall renovation phase II project
- Construction of 15 maintenance and repair projects located at various locations in 11 counties across the state for the Depts. of Administration, Corrections, Health Services, Natural Resources, State Fair Park, and the UW-System.
The Building Commission is chaired by Gov. Evers and includes the following members:
- State Senator Janis Ringhand;
- State Senator Jerry Petrowski;
- State Senator Patrick Testin;
- State Representative Jill Billings;
- State Representative Rob Swearingen;
- State Representative Mark Born; and
- Citizen member Summer Strand.