Starin Park Arboretum Project Making Progress

By Al Stanek
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

Whitewater’s effort to develop an arboretum within the 35-acre campus area Starin Park took a major step forward in November with the erection of a new Welcome and Education Center building courtesy of Generac, one of the city’s largest employers.

The 320 square foot structure was donated by Generac and erected by Generac staff volunteers, Urban Forestry Commission members, and community volunteers.  The excavation and pouring of the stamped concrete pad were completed courtesy of Ross and Russell Walton with the roof installation contributed by Serenity Concepts. City crews laid out the site and delivered the materials. The project was initiated and overseen by the City of Whitewater Urban Forestry Commission and the Whitewater Parks & Recreation Department.

As a living outdoor classroom, the arboretum demonstrates the essential value to humans that trees and shrubs provide by beautifying natural areas, enhancing air quality and helping tamp down the effects of climate change.  Educational workshops held at the arboretum for students and adults provide insights into the essential interrelationships between humans, plants, birds, insects, and animals.

The Arboretum at Starin Park (AASP) hosted three adult workshops in late October and November along with hosting a hands-on learning session for 45 Whitewater Middle and High School students on November 2.  Kids were guided in identifying tree types by leaf shapes, were instructed in how to estimate the age of a tree by measuring its circumference and took part in planting shrubs that are a part of the nearly 200 trees and shrubs added to Starin Park in 2022.

Adult education workshops included an “Interactive Introduction to the Arboretum,” “Remarkable Trees: Tales From Wisconsin and Beyond” and “Back to the Ice Age, Dig Into the Geologic History of Starin Park.”

Development of The Arboretum at Starin Park is a multi-year project launched earlier this year and funded in part by a WI Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Urban Forestry Grant which will reimburse up to $25,000 worth of city and volunteer efforts. 

The Starin Park Arboretum also received funding from local individuals and businesses as well as the Whitewater Community Foundation and Starin Park Neighborhood Association. The success of the effort relies heavily on the active participation of City of Whitewater staff and equipment.  The proceeds of an annual April Arbor Day week citywide tree sale also help provide essential funding.

The Arboretum has established partnerships with UW-Whitewater, the Whitewater Unified School District, and the Starin Park Neighborhood Association as well as a growing number of interested businesses and individuals.  It has successfully obtained formal accreditation by ArbNet, the international arboretum accreditation agency.

Volunteers are always needed to maintain plantings, to clean up fallen branches and debris and other tasks.  Interested volunteers are asked to contact the City of Whitewater Parks and Recreation Dept.  at 262-473-0122, or go to the AASP webpage at http://www.arbatstarinorg.

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