School Board Thank You for COVID-19 Response

Dear Administrators, Teachers and Staff of the Whitewater Unified School District,

In this unprecedented and uncertain time, you have inspired our entire community with the care and support you have shown for everybody in our district – students, families, and one another. You have made difficult decisions and implemented previously-unimaginable changes that ensure our students can continue to learn and remain healthy during this time of social isolation.  Most importantly, though, you have modeled the care that brings a community even closer together. Our students look to us every day for reassurances big and small, and through this crisis you have cheerfully and relentlessly supported children while working through your own feelings. Thank you for giving your all, both emotionally and physically.

We are grateful for your ongoing commitment to educating, inspiring and empowering our students with flexibility, creativity, and compassion. We wish you and your families the very best for the coming weeks, and will continue to support you in every way we can.


Casey Judd, President
School Board of the Whitewater Unified School District

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