Friday, February 1, 10:30 am
The talk focuses on recent and ongoing environmental justice conflicts in Indian Country, though indigenous struggles and resistance span centuries. Cases facing Native communities in the Great Lakes region form the main context before connecting us with communities downriver in the Louisiana bayous and Gulf of Mexico. We are intimately tied to others in the Mississippi River watershed even if we may be unaware of the connections. Interconnectedness permeates an indigenous worldview and opens dialogue about responsibilities we all share to care for the planet and people.
C. Holly Denning, M.A. (ABD), is Senior Lecturer at UW-Whitewater in the Department of Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology.
Please register in advance if you will be attending.
Assassinations in the U.S. and World History
The cancelled History lectures are rescheduled as follows:
Join Dr. Richard Haney, Emeritus UW-W, for interesting and informative history talks Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Thanks to UW-W Continuing Education Department for funding the series. Please call if you will be attending.
- Feb 6: Nazis and Communists: Assassination as a “Life[?]-Style”
- Feb 13: Don’t Forget These: Crazy Horse, Rabin, Sadat, Gandhi, John Lennon and More