(Whitewater Unites Lives submission) Seventh-grade student Sanibel Fox-Simes is a WUL Hometown Hero, and has been nominated “For raising $2,250 as well as boxes of toiletries and donations for Bethel House, and for researching and spreading awareness about homelessness in Wisconsin.”
Sanibel said, “This is a part of my service learning project for school. I chose the Bethel House because I wanted something big that would make a difference for people who are facing homelessness.”
Bethel House is an ecumenical project helping families facing homelessness in Whitewater. Bethel House provides transitional housing and case management to families in need.
Sanibel said, “Did you know that right now in Wisconsin there are over 4,500 people who are homeless? Bethel House helps people to get a home.”
Bethel House utilizes seven private housing units where families can live for up to one year while working on the issues that led to their homelessness.
Case management services include:
– Budgeting
– Debt repayment
– Job searching
– Resumes
– Life skills and decision making
– Accessing other services
More information about Bethel House can be found at www.bethelhouseinc.org or by contacting 262-473-2715 or kristy.bethelhouse@gmail.com.
WUL (Whitewater Unites Lives) is a locally-focused civil and human rights group that works to connect the people in our community and to create opportunities for all people to learn and support each other in our common humanity.
Anyone who would like to nominate a local hero of any age should send their nomination, with a short description, to whitewaterunites@gmail.com