Rock County Sheriff’s Dept. Press Release – Aug. 24 – Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic we are all enduring this year, there has been a significant increase in the number of citizens enjoying our rivers and creeks located within Rock
County. The most popular method of travel utilized by those individuals new to water
sports has been the use of human powered vessels such as kayaks, canoes and inflatable
tubes. While the Rock County Sheriff’s Office encourages the public to enjoy the summer
weather and the Rock County waterways, we want to remind everyone to do so in the
safest manner possible and to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations.
As a reminder Wisconsin State Statute 30.62(3)(A) requires “Every boat, except a
sailboard and except as provided in par. (b), shall carry at least one personal flotation
device prescribed by federal regulations for each person on board or being attended by
the boat, so placed as to be readily accessible and available to the persons.”
This statute applies to all of the above mentioned vessels regardless if they are motorized
or not.