Rock Co. Sheriff Not Seeking Re-Election in 2023

Editor’s note: The following press release was provided by Sheriff Troy Knudson

Rock County Sheriff Troy Knudson Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2023

As the election process for 2023 begins, I wish to convey that I will not be seeking re-election to the Office of Sheriff and I believe that it is important to make my intentions known early in the process to ensure that the community has sufficient time to thoroughly evaluate potential successors for the Office.

It has been an incredible honor and privilege to have been able to work at the Rock County Sheriff’s Office for the past thirty-three years. This has been a wonderful and meaningful career that I have truly enjoyed. The opportunity to serve as Sheriff since 2019 was certainly a highlight of that career and I cannot fully express the humble and profound appreciation that I have for the citizens of Rock County who elected me to that position.

During the past few years, we have faced some significant challenges but despite differing perspectives and philosophies, our community has responded with restraint and positivity. This has allowed the Sheriff’s Office to focus on making the necessary changes in policing and correctional strategies to best respond to these challenges. Additionally, we have been able to help other communities who needed our assistance to get through these difficult times. While the national narrative may have been negative, locally, we have felt strong community support for which I give my sincere thanks.

In addition to external challenges, we have been very busy at the Sheriff’s Office internally. We have been working hard on planning for the replacement of the 1929 Pinehurst portion of our facility and developing how the design of that new space could prepare us in the future to better meet the needs of our community. We have been shifting the focus of the jail more towards treatment and rehabilitation than it has been in the past, by increasing programming, mental health and re-entry resources for inmates. We have been focused on being transparent to our community through the implementation of a body camera program, both on patrol and in the jail. We have also overhauled our policies to ensure that they comply with current standards and conform to best practices to protect the county from liability and provide the best service that we can.

While all of these challenges and projects have been daunting, I have been incredibly proud of the response of our staff. They have combined their training and expertise with a strong drive to get the job done and they have performed admirably and accomplished a great deal. In addition to their hard work, they have been assisted by so many – the County Board and Administration, other county agencies, local law enforcement, fire and EMS, citizens, and the list goes on. Having their guidance and support has helped us to answer challenges and accomplish what we have.

I have great confidence in the team that we currently have and the generations that are coming to meet the challenges of the future. I know that the Sheriff’s Office will be left in good hands and will be successful moving forward. I still enjoy the job and have incredible appreciation for my previous and current co-workers; however, I am now looking forward to the joys and opportunities that retirement has to offer.

Thank you all for the support that you have given me through the years and I wish everyone well in the future!

Sheriff Troy Knudson

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