At the March 3, 2020 Common Council meeting, retired Streets, Parks, and Forestry Superintendent Chuck Nass was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council. The award was presented by Dwayne Sperber, a member of the council from Delafield.
In making the nomination, Olivia Witthun, Forestry Specialist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, recognized the accomplishments of the city’s Urban Forestry Committee and the city’s forestry program during Chuck’s tenure, including developing and adopting an emerald ash borer plan. The plan identified the tree lawn and park ash trees that were deemed to be worth saving, and provided for appropriate treatment by city staff. Chuck attended the DNR’s Community Tree Management Institute and became an instructor, sharing his experiences. At various times Chuck also served the community as Fire Chief, served on the UW-W athletic board and the Whitewater Unified School District board. Chuck also implemented a solid relationship between forestry and engineering, commenting on street plans early in the process and incorporating tree planting, protection, etc. at an early enough stage to be effective. The nomination concluded, “Chuck handled the challenges and successes with aplomb.”
These days, by the way, Chuck continues to be active, driving for Van Galder Bus Company, and has often taken trips with UW-W athletic teams.
Congratulations to Chuck on this award.