Police & Fire Commission to Interview a Chief of Police Candidate

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

At a special meeting on June 30 the City of Whitewater Police and Fire Commission voted unanimously for an internal search for a new police chief to be managed by the city and Human Resources with one month to complete. This action coincided with the resignation and retirement of Aaron Raap, who served as chief since June of 2018.

The agenda for the City of Whitewater Police & Fire Commission special meeting on Monday, July 25 includes a closed session discussion titled, “Interview Of Chief Of Police Candidate.” The candidate is not named; however, it is obviously a current police officer in the department since the commission did not open the search to external candidates. The open session to follow the closed session includes the item, “Consideration Of Direction To City Staff To Proceed With A Conditional Offer And Negotiation For Chief Of Police Finalist (Name Will Be Included In Motion).” Per state statute, the hiring of a police chief is the responsibility of the Police & Fire Commission; however, the Common Council has sole responsibility for approving significant financial matters such as wages.

Also on Monday’s closed session agenda is “Nominations And Potential Approval Of Fire Department Command Staff Positions.” The Whitewater Fire Department, Inc. is in the process of finalizing a merger with the City of Whitewater, and has made nominations for the Command Staff positions that will take effect when the integration is complete. Per state statute, it is the responsibility of the Police & Fire Commission to approve the appointments to these positions. The concluding open session includes the item, “Announcement Of Recommendation Concerning Whitewater Fire Department Promotional Process.”

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