Police & Fire Commission Considering Appointment of a Police Chief (Revised)

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

Revision 6/28/22: The last phrase of the second paragraph was revised to make clearer that the P&FC is required to consider all options.

The agenda for a special Police & Fire Commission (P&FC) meeting on Thursday includes a closed session “to consider appointment of a new police chief,” followed by an open session for “discussion concerning, and possible appointment of, new police chief, contingent on an action by the City Council establishing the chief of police salary.”

Since a vacancy effective June 30 in the police chief position was only announced by the Common Council approval of a resignation/retirement agreement between the city and Aaron Raap on June 21, the rationale for the closed session is “….considering employment, promotion…or performance data of any public employee over which governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility,” and the P&FC has not previously discussed appointment of a successor, it seems evident that the commission will be considering the possibility of making an internal appointment versus beginning a search process to include external candidates.

Deputy Chief Dan Meyer has served as acting police chief since Aaron Raap was placed on paid administrative leave on or about December 3, 2021.  

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