PBS Wisconsin Features Milton House, Underground Railroad on Thursday

Milton House [from the website]

A new episode of “Wisconsin Life” which will air on Thursday, January 5 at 7 p.m. features, among other stories, the Milton House Museum, the last certified underground railroad stop in Wisconsin that can be toured. Blacks traveled the Underground Railroad to escape slavery in the South in the 1800’s. PBS Wisconsin is on Channel 11 on Spectrum (Charter) and may also be viewed online at https://pbswisconsin.org/

According to an article in the Milton Courier:

“Wisconsin Life” is a show produced by PBS Wisconsin and Wisconsin Public Radio that highlights local history, but each episode details a new city or region of the state. During the production of the episode, host Angela Fitzgerald spoke with Milton House Museum Executive Director Keighton Klos about the Underground Railroad and some about the Goodrich family.”

“Fitzgerald suggested the Milton House as a potential location of the show. Fitzgerald and producer Kelly Saran spent a day at the museum last summer to work on the show.”

“What surprised me was the role Wisconsin had in the abolitionist movement and how many freedom seekers came to Wisconsin,” Saran said. “People crawled through the tunnel, and we walked through it. That was moving and was so impactful.”

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