Pączki Day hits Whitewater

In preparation for the Lenten season, many cultures celebrate a “last hurrah” on Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. One such celebration, Pączki (pronounced POONCH-key) Day, originated in Polish kitchens as a way to use up the fats and eggs before Ash Wednesday.  Thanks to the strong Polish heritage in our area, Pączki Day has become a bit of a Wisconsin tradition.

Though they look similar, pączki aren’t just jelly-filled donuts. What sets them apart is their dough, which is a rich, sweet dough made with eggs, butter, and milk. Pączki is the word for more than one Pączek
(pronounces POON-check).

All around Wisconsin, bakeries have been anxiously awaiting this day, and The SweetSpot Bakehouse is no different. At the SweetSpot Bakehouse, staff arrived this morning at 2:00 AM to start the pączki process. 108 dozen pączki were filled, dipped, and sugared for the enjoyment of Whitewater pączki fans. The SweetSpot Bakehouse, located at 1185 W Main Street, will have pączki available until they are sold out.

Jim Stewart, shown with Karen Moline (co-owner of the SweetSpot), was in line early to pick up enough to share with his friends.   
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