Our Readers Share: Steve Watson – April Observations

4/17 – Tree swallows by the dozens taking advantage of 15-25 mph wind on Cravath Lake. Blue wing teals unfazed.
4/27 – Mallards, first brood I’ve seen of any waterfowl.
Yellow legs. Greater or lesser. I don’t know which this is.
4/26 – Golden crowned kinglet
4/26 – Barn swallows sunning.
Scaup – Another species that has greater or lesser in their family of Anatidae. I don’t know which this fellow is.
Pie-billed Grebe. The stripe on the bill appears during mating season.
Coot. Are you looking at me?
4/22 – Starin Park baseball tournament and snow.

Our thanks to Steve Watson for sharing more great photos. Steve, you sure know a lot about the creatures in our area!

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