Sharon Reigstad: Extraordinary Kindness at Arby’s

Sharon Reigstad

Sharon Reigstad shared the following story on Facebook a couple weeks ago and gave The Banner permission to pass it on.

I had a chiropractic appointment this afternoon – when I just finished that I stopped at Arby’s on the way home to get something to eat because Ron was out of town. I get up to where I have to order and I know it’s almost impossible for me to hear but I know what I want. I tell the guy on the phone, “You can’t ask me any questions cause I can’t hear what you’re saying to me, so I’m gonna drive up to the window and we can finish the order.” All of a sudden the back door of the building opens. A nice man comes out and he said, “So do you read lips?” I told him yes, he said, “So then would you like to have your drink as part of your meal?” He finished taking my order. I drove up to the window and they gave me the order. I have never ever had this happen to me before; he was so nice and so kind. His name is Wicker!!

I was holding back the tears when I got to the window, so I even forgot what I ordered. It was so amazing!

Our thanks to Sharon Reigstad for allowing us to share her gratitude for a special kindness.

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