Our Readers Share: Jeanine Fassl – Donating her first pint of blood towards her 21st gallon

Retired, local, American Red Cross (ARC) volunteer coordinator, Jeanine Fassl, began donating her 21st gallon of whole blood at the American Red Cross Blood Drive held Friday, July 22 at the Cravath Lakefront Center. She is seen here with the certificate and 20-gallon pin that honored her previous donation this past March.

Jeanine had been an active Red Cross Blood Drive volunteer since the Whitewater Jaycettes began assisting Arlene Newhouse, who then coordinated the drive. In 1979 Jeanine became Whitewater’s ARC local coordinator in charge of procuring up to 57 volunteers including nurses, EMTs, registrars, donor room aides, segmentors, canteen staff, churches to make and serve food and drivers to bring the collected blood up to the Madison Red Cross processing center. Serving with ARC was one of her passions, as she honored the memory of her mother, Clara, who passed away in 1979 from acute onset adult leukemia. Jeanine spent over 25 years with the local drive.

Human blood is one of the rare components of the body that cannot be duplicated in a lab. There is always a need, as someone gets a blood transfusion EVERY 3 MINUTES in this country! Please consider donating soon! Visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Our thanks to Jeanine Fassl for sharing this achievement and important request.

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