Our Readers Share: Elvira Kau – Lake Bed Controlled Burn Underway

Elvira Kau writes, “Field & Stream Restoration was burning along the exposed lakebed of Cravath Lake Friday afternoon. Photos were shot south of the park, on the west side of the shoreline opposite the cemetery.”


Our thanks to Elvira Kau for sharing these timely photos.

Previous posts on the Banner regarding the burn:

Update Dec. 17: Eric Boettcher, city Parks & Recreation Director, told the Banner, “It looks like favorable weather to start the burns on the dried lake bed vegetation on Trippe and Cravath lakes.  Ignition will likely start at 11 a.m. [TODAY, Friday] and end about 3 p.m.  We plan to try and burn Friday and Saturday of this week and Monday through Wednesday of next week. 

Update Dec. 14: Kristin Mickelson, city PR and Communications Manager, told the Banner that it is still hoped that the controlled burn can begin this week; however, it has been delayed due to wind and visibility concerns. No further information is available at this time.

December 9, 2021

Dear City of Whitewater residents,

Between December 13 to December 23, Field & Stream Restorations will conduct prescribed burns on the two lake beds, Trippe and Cravath.  The purpose of the burn is to prepare for the dredging that may occur in 2022 and the subsequent lake refilling.   Prescribed burning is an excellent tool for reducing above-ground biomass (plant material).  

We will start by creating burn breaks (unburnable strips on the ground) around the burn units.  In some cases this may involve mowing and raking vegetation to create nearly bare soil conditions.  We will examine the wind direction and speed to determine the best and safest ignition pattern.  

Field & Stream Restorations is insured and has burned hundreds of acres safely, and will do so at this site.  We employ nationally trained firefighters.  We will be equipped with several types of mobile water sources for fire suppression, including water backpacks , UTV’s, and ATV’s with mounted sprayers.   At no time should you ever feel that your residence is at risk.  We have examined the site and have determined that the necessary fire breaks can be created to burn safely.

For those who live near the lake, on the day of the burn we ask that you do the following for us:

  1. Close your windows and doors when not at home and the day of the burn so that smoke does not enter your home.
  2. Allow us to do our work uninterrupted, distractions to fire spotters create unnecessary risks.
  3. Approach us before you call the fire department.

For more information, call, text, or email Steve Banovetz, Senior Scientist, Field & Stream Restorations, 608-320-2338 or email.  Please also visit the Field and Stream Restorations website. For additional questions, contact Parks and Recreation Director, Eric Boettcher 262-473-0122 or email

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