Our House Senior Living: Spreading Valentine’s Love to our Seniors

(Our House Senior Living press release) Whitewater seniors at Our House Senior Living are excited for this upcoming Valentine’s Day. As they spread love throughout our home, we are looking for love around the community too! This year, we have a special mailbox for Valentine cards for our residents. Everyone is invited to send a Valentine to a resident(s) at 945 E. Chicago Street, Whitewater, so that we can spread the love. Every HEART sent is a HEART in our home that is touched and filled with love. Love can be spread in many ways. Another fun and exciting way that we can spread love to our residents is to adopt a grandparent. We have contacted our local florist, Floral Villa Flowers & Gifts here in Whitewater. To adopt a grandparent, it is a $10 donation, with the donation one of our special residents will then be “adopted,” as they will receive a carnation and a balloon for Valentine’s Day. Let’s spread the love throughout our Whitewater community.

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