Nancy A. Cassano, 77, of Whitewater passed away on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at home after a mercifully short illness from cancer.
Nancy is survived by her children Brad Cassano, Scott Cassano, and Kim Cassano.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Dennis Cassano, sisters Mary DeSobe and Barbara Harkonen, and sister-in-law Barbara Lewis.
Per Nancy’s wishes, there will be no funeral services.
The family would like to give special thanks to Nancy’s family and many friends in Monticello, Prairie Village, the Ice Age Trail Alliance, the League of Women Voters, Lauderdale Lakes, Monticello High School, the Friends of Lake Maria, and the Class of ’61.
In honor of Nancy, donations may be made to:
In Wisconsin:
Ice Age Trail Alliance
Community Space
Bethel House
In Minnesota:
Lake Maria State Park
Monticello High School