Last week Christine C. Hayes, Lincoln Elementary music teacher, emailed an invitation to her neighbors on N. Esterly Avenue to join her and her husband, Dr. Glenn C. Hayes, on March 25 for a “Happening” of a music sing-along. They announced the location would be “your front yard!” “Pull up a lawn chair or blanket in your front yard, bring out your personal device to follow the lyrics, and sing along with Christine, her guitar and amplifier,” Christine wrote. “Wave and smile to your neighbors and know that we are all in this together! Lift your spirits tomorrow from your doorstep. You and not alone.”
It was reported that eleven households participated joyously in songs such as, “You are My Sunshine,” and “What a Wonderful World.”
Sara Kuhl, UW-W Assistant Vice Chancellor for University Marketing & Communication, commented on Facebook, “We were walking on campus and could hear the music from Prairie Street by Heide. It was lovely!”
Click here for a story in the Daily Jefferson County Union.
By the way, if you haven’t yet seen a video of hundreds of thousands of people across New York standing at their balconies and windows on Friday, March 28 at 7 p.m. to cheer for those working on the frontline against COVID-19, it’s quite an uplifting view. Please click here for a Youtube video. It seems that the cheering happening has continued each evening since then.