Leslie Brissette, a first grade teacher at Milton East Elementary School, was thinking about what her children might be able to do while stuck at home when she got an idea from another Milton teacher. “She had posted something about a Happy Heart Hunt. I thought that sounded really cool,” Brissette said.
Brissette posted the idea on Facebook, where the concept took off. First, it spread to other states. Then, before she knew it, people were posting from other countries. By Wednesday evening, March 26, the Facebook group had grown to over 65,000 members. People are decorating doors, windows, mailboxes, and even a large rock.
“I think that we’re all in this together. That we all have to stay positive and help each other through it. It’s unprecedented what we’re going through right now. If we can just stick together and keep that positive message going, we’ll make it through,” says Brissette.
The Banner learned about the positive phenomenon when Jeanine and Rick Fassl sent us pictures of their home’s beautiful participation in the Happy Heart Hunt.
You can read more in this story from WKOW.
There’s also this story in the Daily Jefferson County Union.
You can check out, or even join the Happy Heart Hunt here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2665566023565792/
Here’s what Leslie Brissette says on the site as an introduction to the group:
Welcome to Happy Heart Hunt!
GROUP MISSION: The group created to spread HAPPINESS, LOVE, KINDNESS and POSITIVITY during these unprecedented times.
Idea credits to kidsforpeaceglobal.org and Heather Henthorn.
TASK: Create items around the theme of hearts to decorate your house, car, sidewalks, place of work, the possibilities are endless. Post pictures here of what you have created or what you spot when out walking or driving around. Because of the size of the group at this time we will only be accepting posts of items created by you to uplift yourself and others! Perfect activity while social distancing!I f you would like to expand your decorations and add to your hearts with flowers, rainbows, Easter eggs, bunnies or anything else feel free and be sure to share.
RULES: Every post must be appropriate and relevant to the group. Kindness and Positivity are a must. Any questionable posts or comments will be deleted by admin. at their discretion.#togetherfromadistance