Local Residents on UW-Madison Fall Dean’s List

Editor’s note: The following announcement was received from UW-Madison.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has recognized students named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year.

Students who achieve at a high level academically are recognized by the dean at the close of each semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must complete a minimum of 12 graded degree credits in that semester. Each university school or college sets its own GPA requirements for students to be eligible to receive the distinction. Most call the honor “dean’s list,” but some grant the “Dean’s Honor List” and “Dean’s High Honor List.”

To view an online listing, visit https://registrar.wisc.edu/deanslist/. For questions or concerns about eligibility, please contact deanslist-registrar@em.wisc.edu

Here are the students from your area who have received this honor.

 Jonathan Chan, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List
 Shawn Chan, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List
 Madeline Church, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List
 Caroline Crowley, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List
 Carson Ellenwood, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List
 Elijah Grall, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List
 Reid Gunnink, School of Business, Dean’s List
 Cc Liang, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List
 Mohamed Mohamed, School of Pharmacy, High Honor Roll
 Anna Riemer, School of Pharmacy, High Honor Roll
 Haley Street, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List
 Kaden Tourdot, School of Business, Dean’s List

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