Lincoln Principal Mary Kilar Shares Comments Upon Leaving

Editor’s note: The Banner contacted Mary Kilar to inquire as to whether she wished to share any comments as she leaves her position as principal of Lincoln Elementary School. Kilar is joining the School District of Fort Atkinson as principal of Purdy Elementary School. Her response is found below.

Mary Kilar

Lincoln is simply a special school and one I will hold dear to my heart. The teachers are experts in their field and I have been honored to learn with them on this journey. The staff, families, students, and the relationships we have formed will be missed beyond measure. 

As for leaving, my heart is heavy, as this has been my second family for 8 years.  The relationships, friendships and connections I have made will remain strong for years to come!

I want nothing more than for Whitewater Unified School District to thrive!  I love this community and I know we value education and supporting one another. We all want our children to be successful!  I am honored to remain part of this community. 

I want to thank each and every person who has supported my work at Lincoln and our family.

Whitewater is special. 

Mary Kilar

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