Lincoln Elementary Growing and Learning School Garden Planted by Kindergarten thru 5th-grade Classes

Peas, carrots, swiss chard, kale, radishes, lettuces, and spinach were all a part of the first crop. These seeds and seedlings tolerate the cooler spring air and soil temperatures. The K4 classes will be planting the sunflowers in May to make this a school-wide project. Students also learned more about the emerging perennials in the pollinator gardens.

Gardens help promote life-long healthy lifestyle habits- eating healthy, moving our bodies and being outside. School gardens also enrich classroom curriculum, build community and provide wonderful hands-on, life-long learning for all ages.

The community is welcome to join us for Monday Garden Gatherings. 3 – 4:30 pm until June 4. Come help tend to the garden, learn, do a project, relax, and meet your neighbors.

To get involved or questions, please contact Garden Leader Liesl Schultz Hying at

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