(Lima 4-H submission) One of the four H’s in 4-H stands for “Hands” for a larger service. In November at the Rock County 4-H Awards night, Lima 4-H received a Silver Award for Outstanding Commitment to Serving the Community. In a time where we cannot come together in person for meetings and other club activities due to COVID-19, Lima 4-H has continued to find ways to serve the community safely.
This past month has been a busy month for Lima 4-H. In November, a small number of club members helped to assemble the Thanksgiving meals baskets at the Whitewater Food Pantry. In December the club members made fleece tie blankets at their homes which were all gathered up and delivered to the House of Mercy homeless shelter in Janesville. The club also “adopted a family” for the holiday through Rock County Human Services. The gifts were a combination of new gifts, homemade gifts (4-H projects) and gift cards for food for the family. Finally the club members wrote out over 250 Christmas Cards for the residents at Fairhaven in Whitewater. All of these community service projects would have been completed together as a group but our club members have found ways to come together as a group to serve the community without physically being together!
Lima 4-H continues to meet monthly via Zoom. If you are interested in joining Lima 4-H, please reach out to lima4h1@yahoo.com for the meeting times and to get the Zoom link!
Lima 4-H Serves the Community
Posted on: December 20, 2020