E. Greg Kent recently wrote to the Banner to inquire as to why our “Life Events” column doesn’t include anything other than obituaries. A WHS ’61 grad, Mr. Kent says he’ll be back in town next month for his 60th reunion.
He wrote, “I remember well the days of the ‘Whitewater Register’ and all of the life event articles in it …Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, relocations, births, deaths, who went where on vacation, etc. etc. etc. All was gossip type stuff of local interest only and believe me everyone read that weekly paper cover to cover …..”
Greg concluded, “Whitewater was a great town to grow up in !! You are Lucky to live there! I still miss it !!”
Banner response: Although we’ve occasionally been able to share an anniversary celebration, rarely has anything other than an obituary been submitted in terms of life events. When we changed the category title from Obituaries to Life Events in July, 2020, we said this: “The Banner staff wishes to extend the services of our publication by welcoming announcements from readers of what might be called “life events,” such as births/adoptions, engagements, weddings, special birthdays/anniversaries including quinceaneras, retirements, achieving citizenship, and the like. Consequently we will be merging obituaries into a new category on our homepage called “life events.” Please consider sharing your or your family’s special events with the community in this way. Photos will, of course, be welcome.”
Please keep the Banner in mind when you or your family are celebrating (or have celebrated) something special. We didn’t think to include vacations in our list, but in keeping with the old Register tradition, we’d be happy to receive some great trip photos!