Lakes Advisory Committee Forming – Applicants Welcome

Editor’s note: The following press release was received from the City of Whitewater.

The City of Whitewater is forming a Lakes Advisory Committee to help with the lakes management of Trippe and Cravath Lake.

Due to the community’s frustration towards Trippe and Cravath Lakefront, the city has decided to focus the surge of community buzz around this topic and create the Lakes Advisory Committee. This Committee will oversee the beautification of the City’s lakes.

The Committee will be made up of a minimum of three and a maximum of five people; additionally, there will be an alternate that
serves on this committee. To serve on this committee you must be a resident of the city of Whitewater or have expertise related to lake preservation and enhancement.

Expertise in this area is defined as knowledge, skills, and experience, including but not limited to environmental science, conservation, water management, hydrology, ecology, algology, marine biology, and other relevant professional experience. Please note that the committee can ask potential members to provide information about their background and experience.

By forming the Lakes Advisory Committee and actively seeking members with expertise in lake preservation and enhancement, the City of Whitewater is making a positive and hopeful step towards effectively managing Trippe and Cravath Lake. Through their knowledge, skills, and experience, these committee members will work towards addressing previous issues and creating a better future for these lakes and their community. With this dedicated effort, success in lakefront management is a promising possibility.

Interested persons can apply to be considered for the Lakes Advisory Committee here.

Creation of Lakes Advisory Committee

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