Irvin L. Young Library Close to Meeting Goal and Closing Campaign

Editor’s Note: The following was provided by the Whitewater Public Library.

The Irvin L. Young Memorial Library is pleased to announce that the “Engaging the Community; Promoting Learning” capital campaign is close to meeting its goal of $2,250,000.  “We are only $93,000 from meeting our campaign goal and hope everyone in the community will help to get us ‘over the top,” said Jim Winship, Campaign Chair.  The funds raised, combined with library reserves and proceeds from the sale of property, will match the City’s generous commitment of $3,000,000 that serves as a challenge to the Whitewater community for this project, which has a total cost of $6,000,000.

“The Bookometer in the library’s lobby will mark campaign progress until October 30 when the campaign will officially close,” said Jon Kachel, a member of the Campaign Planning Committee.

 “We are honored by the community’s generosity and hope that anyone considering a gift will get their pledge form to the library soon.”

The renovated library will add even more value to the Whitewater community. It will offer more space and features where people can connect, read, learn, create and feel welcome. There will be 4,400 square feet of additional space and the current space will be redesigned to be more welcoming and accommodate new features. The renovated library will offer expanded early learning areas including play centers, engaging teen and pre-teen spaces, upgraded technology, large and small meeting rooms, study and collaboration spaces, expanded areas of informal seating, and outdoor tables and places for the community to use the Internet when the library is not open. The Library Board and staff have been developing these plans for several years but they are about to become a reality.

One way that individuals, families and businesses can get involved is by purchasing a Wall Tile.

This final segment of the campaign is designed to include the entire Whitewater community.

Wall tiles are $250 and $500; special tiles for businesses are $1000 and may include the company’s logo. It is a wonderful way to celebrate your family, remember a loved one, honor someone special, recognize the children and grandchildren, or showcase your business. Information is available on the library’s website and by using the QR code; forms are also available at the library.

For more information contact Stacey Lunsford, Library Director at 262 473-0530.

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