“Inevitable Juxtapositions” at Roberta’s Art Gallery

Editor’s Note: The following information was provided by Roberta’s Art Gallery at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Roberta’s Art Gallery welcomes artist D.K. Palecek and her exhibit “Inevitable Juxtapositions” to kick off the Spring 2022 semester. The exhibit will run through February 24.

By D.K. Palecek from her exhibit “Inevitable Juxtapositions”

“Inevitable Juxtapositions” features oil paintings of cityscapes of Chicago, New York and San Francisco created over the last three years. It was inspired by the artist’s fascination with the extreme opposites captured in each scene.  “The illusion of tiny matchbox vehicles jetting in an out of the shadows of solid, looming skyscrapers confuses me at first glance, until my mind can catch up and find logic in these inevitable juxtapositions: tall buildings versus relatively toy cars; fast zipping motion versus immovable structures,” Palecek explains. Along with cityscapes, Palecek also paints figures, portraits, landscapes, and architecture, some of which are included in the exhibit. Her painting method includes brushwork, palette knives, squeegees, sandpaper, rollers and anything else she can find to make an interesting mark.

Palecek never intended to become a full-time artist, having earned her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, and her Master of Business Administration in Finance from the University of California – Berkeley. Palecek says, “I started pursuing art late, after my career in finance. Art will take you so far inside yourself. You start seeing things that you never saw before; your awareness is so heightened.” You can read more about Palecek and her experience, art, and perspective here

By D.K. Palecek from her exhibit “Inevitable Juxtapositions”

Roberta’s Art Gallery is located on the first floor of the James R. Connor University Center (UC) at UW-Whitewater. The gallery hosts multiple exhibits each semester by collaborating with the artists – both locally and regionally. Many of our events will be held in person this semester, with the viewing option of a virtual exhibit. Our hours are Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  

Roberta’s Art Gallery prides itself on all of their exhibits being free and open to the public. This means anyone: whether you’re a student, a Whitewater community member, or someone wanting to support the artist, please stop by. For questions or further information, contact Roberta’s Art Gallery at (262) 472-3193 or ucart@uww.edu or visit our website

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