Historical Society Presents a Program on Local Native American Artifacts

The Whitewater Historical Society will present a program featuring Native American artifacts from the collection of Bernie Kleiber of rural Whitewater on Sunday, February 19, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Cravath Lakefront Community Building. The Cravath Lakefront Community Building is on Whitewater Street behind Me and My Pets (147 Whitewater Street) with access off the street through the historic arch.

Bernie Kleiber has owned farmland for many years and has a large collection of Native American arrowheads, spear points, tools, etc. Kleiber has researched these artifacts and has dated them from various pre-historic periods in this area of Wisconsin. Kleiber will share some of his collection and his knowledge of these artifacts in this upcoming program.

The general public is welcome at this program. For more information, contact Carol Cartwright of the Whitewater Historical Society, 262-473-6820.

Editor’s note: The arrowheads shown on the homepage are not from Bernie Kleiber’s collection.

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