Hintz Recognized by DAR as Whitewater’s Good Citizen for Class of 2020

This year Whitewater senior Josie Ann Hintz, daughter of Carrie and David Hintz, was chosen as Whitewater High School’s Good Citizen.  She was chosen for this honor based on her Scholarship, Dependability, Leadership, and Service to her school and community.

Her leadership ability can be seen throughout her various school activities. She is in the French Honor Society where she has served as President, Secretary, Treasurer and Event Coordinator over the years.  Also, she has been French Club president as well as Co-President of Student Council.  Josie is the FBLA Event Coordinator and received her school’s “Jerry Award” for Outstanding Stage Management.  Her other activities include WHS Ringers, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, WHS Marching Band and National Honor Society. She has volunteered as a LEAD dog for the freshman class. One of her teachers said of Josie, “She works with diligence and grace whether on the tennis court or soccer field or as she leads meetings for the French Club.”

Josie Hintz

Academically, Josie is in the top 5% of her class and has taken Advance Placement courses in Calculus, English Language and English Literature. One of her teachers described Josie as, “organized and intelligent, focused and enthusiastic, and a team-player and leader.”

In school, Josie has volunteered for food drives and blood drives. She has volunteered for the Middle School musicals and as a backstage director for the plays at high school. Also she volunteers her time at her church.  She went on a mission trip to Michigan where she worked with Habitat for Humanity.  This summer she will be going to the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana.

Josie’s immediate educational goal is to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in exercise science with minors in psychology and nutrition.  Her future plans include a doctoral degree in physical therapy and her life goal is to have an active life where she will continue to give back to the community.

Josie will be honored by the Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution along with the other area Good Citizens at a reception March 5th at the Hoard Museum.  One of the seven area Good Citizens will be chosen in December to represent the Chapter at the State Good Citizen competition in January.

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