Highlights of Virtual Plan Commission & Common Council Meetings, April 20-21

The Plan & Architectural Review Commission and the Common Council held their first-ever virtual meetings on April 20 and 21 respectively. Shown below are brief summaries of the highlights of their sessions.

PLAN COMMISSION: Request to rezone Mound Park Acres subdivision, located on Meadowview Court, behind the Burtness auto dealerships. The nearly 11 acre site was first approved for a single family development in 2000, with various plans having been discussed, and sometimes approved, since that time. The Planned Community Development under which the property had been zoned was no longer applicable, leaving the property in limbo. Craig Pope requested for the property to revert to R-1 zoning for 21 single family homes. The Commission recommended approval to the Common Council, with a stipulation that there be no blasting (if needed for construction of basements) without city approval.


  • Newly reelected members Jim Allen, Lynn Binnie, and Matthew Schulgit were sworn into office by Clerk Michele Smith.
  • Lynn Binnie was elected Council President, and Jim Allen, President Pro Tem. Patrick Singer was thanked for his twelve years of service as Council President.
  • Appointments to Commissions, Committees & Boards: Alcohol Licensing – McCormick, Palmer, Schulgit; Birge Fountain – Allen; CDA – Allen, Singer; Landmarks: Schulgit; Library: Brown; Parks & Rec: McCormick; Plan: Binnie (regular), Brown (alternate); Technology Park: Singer; Fire Dept: Binnie; Public Works: Binnie, McCormick, Schulgit; Finance: Allen, Palmer, Singer; Community Involvement: Brown
  • City Manager Report: Cameron Clapper reported on local matters pertaining to the COVID 19 pandemic. A number of staff continue to work from home. Those who are working on site are practicing social distancing. It was indicated that there have been confirmed cases in Whitewater, with community spread, but thus far there appear to be a fairly limited number.
  • Thanks was expressed to the poll workers and voters for the Presidential Preference and Spring Election on April 9, which took place during the Safer at Home order. Clerk Smith indicated that she has not been made aware of any suspected infections as a result of the election.
  • Rezoning of Mound Park Acres: The recommendation of the Plan Commission was approved, and the second reading was waived.
  • Award of Bid to RR Walton & Company: Walton, the low bidder, was awarded the $364,063 contract for an Industrial Drive watermain project and a stormwater project at Walworth Ave. and Court/Pleasant Streets.
  • After a closed session, sale of land to Kwik Trip at the roundabout for the appraised value of $229,000 was approved. No action was taken on the discussion of a possible property purchase south of Trippe Lake.

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