Good Friday Midday Service

Good Friday Midday Service
Friday, April 7

1:00 – First English Lutheran Church (ELCA)

401 W. Main St.
1:45 – Congregational UCC
133 S. Franklin St.
2:30 – First United Methodist Church (UMC)
145 S. Prairie St.

Many churches, one unifying service for the solemn observation of Good Friday, remembering the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

This ecumenical (inter-denominational) Christian service has been organized by the Whitewater Ministerial Association, is open to the public, and will feature a procession from sanctuary to sanctuary, carrying the cross and praying together.

While you are welcome to join at any time, participants are encouraged to attend the full event (consisting of three 30 minute services with time for movement in between).

Learn more online at and ask any questions to Pastor Madeline: or text 262-813-6234

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