All fourth graders in the Whitewater Unified School District are connecting by doing a big read of the book Bob by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead. Bob is the story of a girl named Livy and the friendship she has with a green creature she discovered in a closet at her grandmother’s house. Livy tries to help Bob figure out who he is and get him home to his family.

Each fourth grader was given a copy of the book to read independently or listen in Google Meets as guest readers throughout the district read it out loud. Students also meet together to talk about the book and to share projects they have created. One activity they are participating in is “Where in Whitewater is Bob?” Pictures of Bob, created by Lincoln paraprofessional Lori Hintz, have been placed around the community. Students have been given a map and clues to try to find Bob. Then they share selfies of themselves with Bob. If you see Bob around the community, please say hello, but do not disturb him.