#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: Whitewater Brewing Company

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society. April means spring and in the past spring meant Bock style beer. Whitewater’s bock beer was brewed in this building, the Whitewater Brewing Company brewery, formerly Klinger’s Brewery. Bock beer is a dark, malty beer traditionally brewed in spring and was brought to Wisconsin by German immigrant brewers.

The brewery was built in 1862 and taken over by N. Klinger, a German immigrant in 1864. Klinger owned the brewery until 1906, by which time it was called the Whitewater Brewing Company. It remained in business until prohibition (1920-1933), then reopened in July of 1933. By 1942, the equipment was old and the building no longer suitable for profitable beer production. Competition from large breweries in Milwaukee and outmoded facilities resulted in the closure of most small breweries in Wisconsin during the mid-20th century. The brewery building burned in 1974.

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.

(4450PC, Whitewater Historical Society)
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