#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: Kachel’s Kids

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society.

Major League Baseball is entering its All-Star Week so here are some all-stars from Whitewater’s past. This is the 1958 Kachel’s Kids baseball “champions” sponsored by Fort Body Shop. The historical society has a collection of Kachel Kids photos from the 1950s and 1960s. 

Posing between Clarence and Mae Kachel, who organized and ran the kids’ baseball program for many years in Whitewater are the following all-stars:

Front row: Bob Stubbs, Doug Duffin, Larry Benner, Dave Cox.

Back row: John Schmitt, Dick Trewyn, Daryl Pieper, Steve Peters, Chuck Sennett

(Names were on the back of the photos in script and I apologize if I mangled any of the spellings!)

Join us next week for more from the collections of the Whitewater Historical Society. 

(0039P, Whitewater Historical Society)

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