#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: Ice Skating Rink c. 1910

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society. This week we are featuring a popular winter activity, ice skating. This view from the early 20th century is of a skating rink made up from Whitewater’s first swimming pool, developed behind the old stone mill around 1910. The short-lived swimming pool was created in a man-made depression that was filled with water diverted from the old mill race. It operated briefly in the 1910s.

In the photo you can see that the rink or pool backed up to North Street near the old stone bridge. At the top right hand corner of the image you can see the back of the old brewery that sat at the corner of North and Jefferson Streets.

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.

(5045PC Whitewater Historical Society)

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