#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: Gone but Not Forgotten – Old High School

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society.

The third installment of our series “Gone but not Forgotten,” is the old 1927 High School building, later the Franklin Junior High School. Built as Whitewater’s first “modern” school building, old “city high” served teenagers until around 1960, when a new high school building was constructed along Elizabeth Street. The building then served another 30 years as a junior high school.

When the building was vacated in the mid-1990s for the new Middle School after the current high school was completed, the first proposal was to put senior apartments in the old school, but that proposal failed. A subsequent owner demolished the building in 1999, and the property has been vacant since that time.

Join us next week for the last of the “Gone but not Forgotten” series of images.

(5015PC, Whitewater Historical Society)

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