#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: Celebrating Fathers Passing Along Family Names

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society.

In honor of Father’s Day, we celebrate fathers passing along family names, in this case an exact family name. This image is of Harry Chapman Leffingwell IV (right) and Harry Chapman Leffingwell V (left) of Leffingwell’s Men’s Store. Many families have Juniors, but few have namesakes that last more than five generations.

Harry Chapman Leffingwell I came to Whitewater in 1843 and started a general store. Harry Chapman Leffingwell II operated a livery stable. Harry Chapman Leffingwell III began working for Halverson Brothers men’s store in 1917. In 1946, he and Harry Chapman “Chappy” Leffingwell IV purchased Halverson Brothers and renamed it Leffingwell’s. Under Chappy Leffingwell and Harry “Harry” Chapman Leffingwell V, Leffingwell’s was a fixture in downtown Whitewater for decades. Harry’s son is Harry Chapman Leffingwell VI, continuing the family tradition.

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.

(4366P, Whitewater Historical Society)

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