It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society. This image is the third in the series showing the growth of Old Main on the UW-Whitewater campus that burned on February 7, 1970.
This image shows two important additions to Old Main, the 1897 front addition and the 1911 west wing addition. Shown in the background is the 1868 and 1876 versions of Old Main. The new front added the familiar classical front and tower that most people who remember Old Main are familiar with. This addition was designed by well-known Milwaukee architect H. C. Koch and the interior of the addition added classrooms, a library, music room, and large assembly room.
In 1911, the large west wing joined the new front with the old sections of the building in the rear to create much of the building’s facade in the 20th century.
Join us again next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.
(1810PC, Whitewater Historical Society)