Mark. Your. Calendars. July 1-2. Flash Food Drive for the 4th!
COVID-19 has created a historic time to live. One in three Wisconsin adults is unemployed, and we are not able to engage safely in simple events that celebrate our community, such as 4th of July activities. But as historic cooperative efforts have proven, we rise together. Let’s celebrate Independence Day 2020 by helping each other.
Whitewater GroCo is excited to partner with the Whitewater Community Food Pantry, The Community Space, the Whitewater Community Foundation, and Whitewater Unites Lives to raise food and funds for our community.
Big takeaways from the CARES Act:
If you don’t itemize, the CARES Act allows for a new deduction for charitable gifts made in 2020 in cash (not property, e.g. food) of up to $300.
If you do itemize, the CARES Act, allows for you to deduct up to 100 percent of your Adjusted Gross Income (increased from 60 percent) for charitable gifts made in 2020 in cash.
If you would like to donate by mail, please send a check to:
Whitewater Community Foundation
Attn: Whitewater GroCo Food Drive
PO Box 428
Whitewater WI 53190
If you would prefer to donate online, you can go to https://www.whitewatergrocery.co/flashfooddrive.
If you would like to donate non-perishable food or food from your garden, please take your items to:
Whitewater Community Food Pantry, 146 North Street
July 1 and 2 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
The Community Space, 834 E Milwaukee
July 1 3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
July 2 8:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.
As a thank you, we plan to have our GroCo yard signs available for FREE. If you aren’t able to pick up a sign, e-mail volunteerwwgroco@whitewatergrocery.co, and we will arrange to get one to you.
Thank you so much for supporting our community. #GoGroCo.