League of Women Voters, Whitewater Area will present a program on Fair Voting Maps on Thursday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cravath Lake Community Center. The program will be presented by Former State Senator Tim Cullen, Co-Chair of the Fair Elections Project. Tim is co-chair along with former State Senator Dale Schultz of this project whose goal is “to end map-rigging so that instead of politicians choosing their voters, voters can choose their elected officials, and elections will again be meaningful.” Tim has experience in the public sector as a state senator and secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services. In addition, he has been an executive for Blue Cross/Blue Shield for twenty years. Currently, he is Chairman of the Board for Common Cause Wisconsin, to achieve fair maps and impartially drawn districts. Tim will give an update on the current status of Fair Maps in Wisconsin
Tim has ties to Whitewater as he is a graduate of the University.
This event is open to the public. Visit the League of Women Voters on Facebook!