(UW-Extension submission) Join us as we welcome Dr. Brian Hudelson, Director of the UW-Madison Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, for his presentation, “Confessions of a Black Thumb: Plants That I Have Killed (or at Least Seriously Maimed).” Learn about Brian’s (aka Dr. Death’s) epic failures in attempting to grow plants in his home garden, either through his encouragement of plant diseases, his insistence on practicing “Darwinian gardening” or through his sheer gardening stupidity. Use these cautionary tales to improve your own gardening skills!
February 25th – 6:00-7:30 p.m.
This will be a virtual webinar via Zoom. It is a free event, but registration is required.
Use the following web address to register: https://go.wisc.edu/fs4qi5
Once registered, you will be sent the webinar connection information the day before the event.
If you have questions about this event, please contact Julie Hill, Horticulture Outreach
Specialist, julie.hill@wisc.edu
To find additional upcoming local and statewide events from Extension, see our calendar: https://extension.wisc.edu/events/ or visit our Extension Walworth County website: https://walworth.extension.wisc.edu/