Easy ID & File of Life at City Market on June 15

Tuesday June 15  5:30—7:00 p.m.
City Market
Downtown Whitewater

People with cognitive impairment or memory loss that are at risk, or could be at risk, of getting lost or wandering are encouraged to complete the EZ-ID process. It’s free and simple. Demographic information, digital fingerprints, and photos are saved to a jump drive which can be given to the police in the event of an emergency. The jump drive is placed in your File of Life, which is placed on your refrigerator. 

If you live alone, EZ-ID is also recommended for emergencies.

The File of Life will be available both at the Easy ID table and the Whitewater Dementia Friendly table with a purple dementia angel sticker or without. File of Life is also available at Starin Park during open hours.

Easy ID is sponsored by Walworth County TRIAD which is a non-profit organization which is part of a national community policing initiative wherein law enforcement professionals, first responders, seniors and community groups partner to meet the crime safety needs of seniors. TRIAD of Walworth County is on Facebook and their website is www.sewistriad.org

Source: Deb Weberpal, Senior Coordinator, Seniors in the Park

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