(DAR Submission) The Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter is once again sponsoring this year’s DAR History Essay contest for all students in grades 5-8.
March 5 of this year marked the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Massacre, considered to be a pivotal event that paved the way for the American Revolution.
Thus, this year’s essay focuses on the Boston massacre. The essay topic is: “Imagine you are living in Boston and, after witnessing the Boston Massacre, describe your family’s discussion about what you witnessed and what role it played in organizing the Colonists against the British King and Parliament.”
The Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Chapter will collect essays until December 15, 2020, choosing a winner in each grade division. All chapter winning essays are then sent to state competition where winners are selected in each grade level. This year each state winner won a medal and a $200 gift certificate.
If interested in learning more about the contest or receiving the instruction sheet, please contact essay chairperson Vicki Schicker by E-mail, Schicker@hotmail.com or phone. 920 541-3332.
Any students in grades 5-8 can enter regardless of whether they attend parochial or public schools or are home-schooled.