Community/University Ministry Lunch Coordinator Needed!

Volunteers preparing and serving University Free Lunch. (Photos from the FUMC University Ministry Facebook page.)
Students enjoying a pre-pandemic lunch. The church has provided a large number of to-go meals in the past two years, but intends to resume sit-down weekly meals.

The First United Methodist Church (FUMC) is looking for a person to be responsible for The Community/University Ministry Free Lunch program. The Coordinator will oversee the ordering of food and supplies as well as the menu planning, food preparation, serving and cleanup for the weekly free lunch. Volunteers will be available for help with this program. If you are interested please call FUMC at 262.473.2131 or stop by the church, 145 S Prairie Street, Whitewater for more information. The office is open Tuesday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. This is a paid position.

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